Tuesday, April 28, 2009

An Overdue Update

It’s been an inexcusably long time since I posted a blog! As a matter of fact, I had to just go back and read my last post to see where I left off. There is a lot so I guess here is the rapid fire bulleted version of the last two weeks or so.

~ Work is going well. I still really like my new supervisor/ coworker. Our task force committees have started up and I enjoy being part of them. My assistant was officially taken away from me yesterday and given to my new supervisor. That sort of sucks, but I expected it to happen. Actually, this means I can hang out with him over the summer and not have the potential weirdness of the supervisor/ employee thing to worry about.

~ Before I get into the fun stuff I want to mention that I had a migraine last week. It sucked, a LOT. I assumed a migraine was just a bad headache and that most people that have them are just being whiners but they are brutal! I started having “visual disturbances” the night before it started – small blind spots in one eye and auras and floating squiggly lines and whatnot. I figured I had just spent too much time on my computer so I went to bed early. I woke up the next morning and my head hurt so much it was making me sick to my stomach. It lasted about a day and then faded off and then I had a mini migraine about two days later that only lasted about 4 hours. Getting back into yoga should help. I ran into my drunken yoga instructor a few weeks ago and he assured me he would be teaching summer classes. That will be nice.

~ The busiest week of my entire year usually falls on the second week of April. My week went something like this: Tuesday – Take Back the Night with a bunch of kick ass feminists. Later that night was spectrum with the gay kids stories. That’s where I left off in my blog. Then on Friday – Day of Silence. I didn’t get to take a vow of silence this year since I had to help prep for history day at work. The breaking the silence rally had a low turnout due to an unexpected foot of snow that plopped out of the sky the night before but it was still an amazing experience. The speakers were great and then there was this amazing surprisingly awesome all female a cappella group that sang for us. They rocked! If I were getting married right now I would want them to sing at my wedding! Then Saturday morning – Wyo AIDS Walk. Again, low turnout due to closed roads and the general unpleasantness of the weather. The walk was actually pretty nice since it stopped snowing just in time. Then Saturday evening – Drag Queen Bingo! I believe this one requires its own bullet…

~ I mentioned at one point that Drag Queen Bingo is pretty much “the” social even t of the year for me and that I was waiting to see what happened and who I decided to take with me. *A drum roll please* I ended up asking the Czech to go with me and had a pretty good time with him! I’m sure it was a little overwhelming for him since he’s been here for 4 years and has met just a few gay people and then on our first “date” I took him somewhere packed with ‘mos! He did surprisingly well with my friends and seemed to have a good time. After bingo we went to the only all night greasy spoon for some bad food with my bestest fag hag, who gave her stamp of approval. Then he drove me home, kissed me goodnight, and I went in grinning like an idiot.

~ We’ve seen each other several times since then. I’ve learned to pick up on his subtle and understated yet hilarious sense of humor and he’s started to come out of his shell. He was so shy and quiet and awkward the first time we met. I remember I couldn’t get away fast enough but now somehow those same traits seem cute and charming. He rushes to open doors for me. He is an amazing cook and pays attention and remembers the things I like. I mentioned in passing once that I enjoy wheat beer and now it’s become a staple in his fridge. Little things like that go a long way.

~ We spent most of the weekend together. He made pizza at his place. He actually made the crust by hand and then topped it with mostly veggies and it was easily one of the best pizzas I’ve ever had. Then I made him watch Princess Bride with me. He fell asleep. It’s just as well since very few people think that movie is as funny as I do. The next day he went with me to look at a couch and help me move a big antique table and chairs I bought for my parents. A lady was moving and selling all her furniture for really cheap. I also bought this fantastic mahogany art deco book shelf. I love solid wood furniture but can’t afford it unless I buy it used.

~ He is in the process of buying a house right now and needs a ton of furniture for it. So, after the used furniture we went to the 3 real furniture stores in town to look at bed frames. At the first store we were looking at mattresses and the sales person came up and spoke to both of us as a couple about buying a mattress and even pointed out features that kept movement to a minimum while your partner is moving around on the other side of the bed. It was unexpected for many reasons. My first thought was: “hey, am I in a relationship?” And that was followed shortly by: “am I really helping my boyfriend pick out furniture?” Then: “Boyfriend?!” Followed by : “Hey, that was very open minded of this guy to see two guys shopping for a mattress and to not assume we were just friends.” Then: “Wow, do we actually look so ‘couple-y’ already that a total stranger would assume we were together even though we weren’t holding hands or even standing all that near to each other?”

~ And here comes the crazy insecure psychotic part of me that questions everything. It’s been so long since I’ve been in a relationship. For that matter, am I in a relationship? I don’t know how to date someone that lives 5 blocks from me. How often should we see each other? Is it ok if I don’t want to see him every day? I need a lot of space sometimes. Is that ok? I’m always happy when I’m with him but sometimes I don’t want to actually make the effort to see him. Is that normal? Ah! It’s only been like 2 weeks, or maybe one week, or a month… crap… I have no idea when we started dating. Are we dating? When did that happen? How did “coffee” turn into “dinner” and then into furniture shopping?

~ Frick… sometimes I need someone to just follow me around and hit me with a cardboard tube when I start acting like a crazy person. How do my friends put up with me?

~ Well, that’s all for now. Oh, wait! One more thing. The Czech has keep in much better contact with the Mysterious Stranger than I have and I guess the three of us are having dinner together this weekend. That could be interesting.

To let loose.
To let free.
To breathe in.
To breathe out.

Peace out.

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