Monday, August 30, 2010

Busy But Happy

Where to start... I've had a lot going on lately but all good things! Classes have started again. They won't offer the one and only class I need to graduate so I'm officially jumping ship to a new department. It adds a lot of time to my degree... but it at least gives me a way out and I'll get to take classes that I actually enjoy. It's not ideal but it's at least a little forward momentum. Plus I really love the class I'm taking and I'm not paying for it... so those are good things!

I was busy this weekend doing odds and ends around the house. I painted some dresser drawers, did some laundry, took Miss Doggy for a walk... and thought about doing homework. But... I have another full day to finish my reading. ;) I seem to have started jogging again. It's been over 5 years... so maybe it's more accurate to say that I "started jogging." It feels good though. My legs and lungs are kind of angry with me but they will thank me later. I'm thinking about going back to yoga too. I loved it but didn't like going alone. A couple friends offered to go with me so that should be nice.

I am still seeing my "fill in the blank." We have been "seeing" each other for a month but I'm not sure when that transitions into "dating." I guess it doesn't matter. We are happy and comfortable with each other. We had the best evening on Friday. So simple, so comfortable, just drinks, friends, dinner and the farmers market (not really in that order). At the end of the night we took Safe Ride home. Oddly enough... that is where he gained like 800 sexy points for not even attempting to drive me home. Apparently responsibility is sexy? Now I just have to be careful to not over think everything and freak myself out.

It's been a great summer and the fall seems to hold a lot of promise.

This is just a sexy sweet video from some German Soap Opera.

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