Monday, November 24, 2008

Brotha Got Some Mad Curry Funk

So, I pretty much feel (and smell) like death warmed over this morning. I’ve been having weird sleeping issues lately. Not sure what that’s all about since I’m normally a rock star at sleeping. Usually, I just go to bed and then I’m out like a light until my alarm goes off in the morning, but lately I’ve been having trouble getting to sleep and then waking up at the wee hours of the morning just to attempt to go back to sleep again. Last night I went to bed early since I had stayed out WAYYYY too late Saturday night (more on that later). I had a little trouble getting to sleep and then woke up at 3:30 since I was thirsty – not just thirsty but PARCHED. I had a drink of water and then went back to bed. And then I proceeded to just lay there for an hour or two. Awesome. Finally I got back to sleep and like 14 seconds later my alarm went off and my body said “oh, HELL no!” I had a reasonably important meeting at 8:00 this morning so I really needed to be at work on time, if not early. (Who has a meeting at 8:00 on a Monday morning anyway?!) So, I bargained with myself. I had done most of the prep work for my meeting in my head at 4 A.M. so I didn’t really need to be early, on time was good enough, so I reset my alarm and went back to sleep. 1.8 seconds later my alarm went off again and my body protested. I shut off the alarm and tried to get out of bed only to pass out with one leg dangling over the side of the bed and my arm still on the night stand. I woke up a little later to find my meeting started in exactly 12 minutes. Fantastic. So I FLEW out of bed, scared poor Sasha to death by flinging a bowl of kibble at her before I rinsed off in the shower. No time for soap, just scalding hot water. It was as I was frantically drying off that I realized I smelled horrible and I remembered that I had curry for dinner the night before. Awesome. The good news is that I made it to my meeting only 4 minutes late and gave my little presentation. The bad news was that there wasn’t any coffee in the building and I smelled like the dumpster behind an Indian restaurant. I made a quick trip to a coffee shack near by for a cinnamon mocha and I’ll take a proper shower on my lunch break. I suppose after a Monday morning like this, my week can only improve!

Saturday night I got all gussied up and drove down with some friends to go dancing. I *heart* dancing and I don’t get to go that often since it’s a little insane to drive over 2 hours just to go to a club. It was a friend’s birthday and I was part of the birthday surprise. That really makes my feel goods happy, to know my mere presence is enough to count as a gift! We got to the club earlier than I normally get there so we didn’t even have to pay a cover charge, the birthday boy showed up and it was on like Donky Kong! It just happened to work out that pretty much everyone I know that ever goes clubbing was there that night so I ran into like a dozen different friends that I rarely ever see. I felt pretty popular. Not bad for a boy from Wyoming! We also got to hang out in the roped off VIP section with the nice couches and a fruit tray since my friends had reserved that for the birthday boy. That’s just how I roll, VIP all the way baby! ;-) There was a tiny bit of drama off and on all night, but all in all I had a fun time. Before I go back the next time I need to learn Pink’s part to Lady Marmalade. My friends are crazy fun and do things like designate solos to songs like that. Imagine my embarrassment to be bestowed with the honor of Pink’s solo, only to find that I don’t know the words. Inexcusable! We left just before the club closed to beat the rush and then against my better judgment we stopped for some McDonalds on the way home. I finally got to bed sometime around 4 in the morning. Whoof… I feel like maybe I’m getting too old for that sort of thing but I recovered fairly well yesterday and I firmly believe that you shouldn’t ever get so old that you don’t enjoy having fun! It helped that I didn’t drink much. After I had some coffee and some food yesterday I was a pretty happy camper. Noticeably happier even. Stupid little things that would normally piss me off simply amused me. I need to get out more often it seems!

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