I haven’t written a blog in a while. I guess what’s left to say after my last blog? Good question. Let’s find out, shall we?
Since the departure of my Canadian, I’ve been having a little trouble picking up where my life left off before he was here. I’ve never really experienced anything that intense before and I’m not really sure what to do about it. Do I continue dating? Do I wait for “something” to happen? Do I randomly move to Canada? He read my sappy blog post about him and wrote me the sweetest email. Basically, he feels the same way but is just as much at a loss as to what to do about it. For now we agreed it would be insane and premature to make any sort of commitment to each other but we can’t dismiss what happened either. He’ll be moving somewhere in March, so I guess we will see where he lands. This might just be the reason I’ve been looking for to leave Wyoming. If it just happens to work out that in the next year we both get jobs in the same city then that will be the answer we were looking for. If not, then we can still meet up every now and then and stay in contact and see what happens in the future. We’re meeting up in San Francisco right after Christmas to spend a few days together. I’m pretty excited about that!
I am officially ruined as far as concerts go. I saw Madonna live last Wednesday and I can now say that I will probably never be able to watch another concert and not compare it to that one. The show included a car, a Ukrainian band, more dancers than you can imagine, a mobile dj platform, huge screens, stuff coming from up the stage, stuff coming from above, a grand piano, a 30 foot treadmill… it was pretty much awesome! Since I can’t properly describe the awesome-ness of this concert I’ll just include the set list and one of the video interludes.
Intro/Candy Shop
Beat Goes On
Human Nature
Video Interlude - Die Another Day
Into The Groove
She’s Not Me
Video Interlude - Rain/Here Comes The Rain Again
Devil Wouldn’t Recognize You
Spanish Lesson
Miles Away
La Isla Bonita/Lela Pala Tute
Doli Doli (Live interlude - Romanian folk song)
You Must Love Me
Video Interlude - Get Stupid (About saving the planet)
4 Minutes
Like A Prayer
Ray Of Light
Hung Up
Give It To Me (Finale)
On Saturday protests spontaneously took place in over 300 cities across the country and around the world in response to the passage of Prop. 8 in California. I realize that the voters of California legally decided as a group to deny marriage rights to same sex couples but that still sucks. They legally had this right under California constitution and voters stripped it away. I honestly don’t see what is so threatening about two people of the same sex getting married. It doesn’t in any way harm or lessens heterosexual marriages. Many people argue that this would be “redefining” marriage. Is that really such a bad thing or so unusual? Marriage was once defined as gaining of ownership of a woman. It was also once defined to deny marriage to African American’s and interracial couples. Marriage is the union of two souls that love each other. Does it matter what form that love takes? And is it really better that gay couples simply live together unmarried? I think it’s ironic that the Mormons were so against this when Utah was originally founded so they could have polygamous marriages. Basically, what they are saying is that it’s ok for them to have 9 wives but gay people can’t have one. Yeah, that’s fair. In many ways I think it was actually a good thing that Prop 8 passed. The gay community is starting to unify and people are starting to talk about this issue. Heck, if we can get 30 people out in Laramie, Wyoming to protest a law passed in California then that’s pretty amazing. While we were out on the street corner with our signs a gay couple drove past and then stopped to join us. They had been together for 28 years. They deserve the right to be married legally.
I finally got my “thanks but no thanks” letter from that job in Colorado Springs. It’s just as well. I don’t really think that’s the best place for me and I can’t really move until this summer anyway. At this very minute (as I’m writing this blog) I am also writing a job description for the work I’ve been doing for the last five months. It seems nobody knows what the “digital manager” does. My old boss was sort of an island and just did his thing without anyone else really understanding what he did. Except, I knew and I’ve been doing it since he left. I’ve been patiently waiting to either be hired to do his job or to pass on my knowledge to someone new. It turns out they’ve been having such a hard time replacing him since nobody knew what they were replacing and nobody thought to ask the one person that does know. So, here I sit… writing a description of what I’ve been doing for months so that they can hire someone that probably won’t even be me. It’s just as well. This spring I’m going to get serious about leaving and realistically I should be able to go somewhere new after my lease is up in June.
So, here is to new beginnings! Cheers!
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