Wednesday, December 3, 2008

An Embarrassment of Riches

For those of you reading this that don’t know, I’m one of the advisors for a LGBT student group. We often do a sort of community building/ ice breaker called “highs and lows” where we introduce ourselves and give our high and low for the week – meaning the best and the worst thing to happen in the last seven days. Last night was the last meeting of the semester so we gave our high and low for the entire semester. I had to go first and I was caught off guard. So many great things have happened this semester. I ended up going with the obvious but most superficial thing and said it was the Madonna concert I went to a few weeks ago, even though spending a few days with a certain someone was clearly my “high” for the semester. Then I couldn’t think of a low. Not only could I not think of the absolute worst thing to happen to me this semester, I couldn’t think of anything that was even all that bad. Crazy right? Especially since I fill this blog by whining about things! I still can’t really think of a single truly bad thing that’s happened to me in the last six months. *knock on wood*

I’m feeling very thankful and sappy right now so nearly a week late, here is what I’m thankful for this year.

As much as I complain about it, I really do love my job. I enjoy the people I work with and I enjoy what I do. It does get a little tedious and boring at times, but that’s just the nature of the game. I do feel a little marginalized but never unappreciated. I work 8-5, Monday through Friday, I am salaried, I get paid holidays, paid sick leave and vacation time, and a nice little paid vacation for winter closure, and that is all AWESOME. I got two small raises this year. Even if they were small, more money is still more money and for the first time in my life I make enough to cover all the bills and I’m slowly digging myself out of debt instead of getting further in debt. I might not stay here for much longer but my time here has been great. I’m young, intelligent, trainable, and charming as hell (not to mention modest!) – so I’m not really worried about the employment thing. I’ll have this job until I decide it’s time to pack up and go elsewhere and then I’m confident that I’ll find something new when the time is right.

My job has afforded me the luxury of being able to travel this year. I got to spend an amazing week in Mexico, bobbing around the ocean, exploring ruins, eating amazing food, and just generally having a great time. I got to visit New York City for the first time and fell in love with the bustle and excitement of the city. And before the year is over I’ll also get to visit San Francisco. I’m sure I’ll fall in love with it.

Speaking of the “L” word. I find myself in a position where I am actually ready to move on with my life and love again. Yeah, I realize it’s been ages since I had a steady boyfriend and I realize that I’ve been dating pretty much constantly since we broke up, but I honestly wasn’t ready to move on until quite recently. My reluctance to move on had very little to do with my ex (who I am still friends with and still love) but had everything to do with the fact that I just knew I had some growing and developing to do. Spending a few days with an amazing guy cured me of my fear to move on. For that I am eternally grateful and I hope to explore the possibilities this guy offers, even if I know I could get hurt in the process and it will infinitely complicate my life, but that’s what falling in love is all about.

I am so thankful for my amazing friends, both old and new. I have a few friends that have always been there and I know will always be there for me. Thanks, I love you all. I have also made a few new friends this year. Remembering the days of elementary and high school, I’m so thankful to have so many great friends. I was always the little boy that played all alone on the playground. Eventually I would make a friend only to have that friend move away a few months or a year later. I think from first to 6th grade I had my “best” friend (meaning my only friend) move away 3 or 4 times. With the exception of my senior year of high school I was always felt like the loner that never really fit in any of the cliques. I’m still adjusting to the fact that I have friends, that those friends will stay my friends, and that I’m perfectly capable of making more friends. So, for all of you reading this – thank you so much, you mean the world to me!

Last but not least, I am so thankful for my amazing parents. They have always been loving and supportive of me no matter what. I know no matter where they live or what is going on in our lives, I can always go home and be accepted with open arms. I’m also thankful for my brother and the rest of my family. I wish I was closer to my brother again. I think that might be my resolution for 2009. I’m very lucky to have such a close extended family. I need to spend more time with them.

2008 has been a great year. It has had its ups and downs but the trick is to just remember the good. Learn from the bad things that happen, but then move on and focus on what is right in your life. It might seem like a ridiculously simple suggestion but it makes a huge difference.

To let loose.
To let free.
To breathe in.
To breathe out.
Peace out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's funny as I read this I was reminded that one of the cultural high points of my time spent at UWyo was getting to see Saul Williams with you. Thanks for being that guy. are charming as hell!! : ) Also, earlier this year I came across a quote from a graphic designer I admire, it goes something like this: "As soon as you learn, move on." It's a good little mantra. Keeps things fresh.