Friday, September 10, 2010

The Bitch is Back!

I'm not sure why I used that title. I just thought it was fun. I'm not really a bitch and I didn't really go anywhere. Maybe I was starting to slip away. Why do I give myself away so easily? It's insane... 5 or 6 weeks of hanging out with a guy I like and I'm already starting to alter my decision process to suit his imagined needs and wants at some unspecified future point. But, at least I realized it and stopped. Well... I guess to be fair... he realized it and stopped it. I would still be an emotional 13 year old girl longing away for an imagined relationship while a real one slips by if it weren't for him. That's not to say that he's out of the picture. We are still hanging out very often. It's just the pressure has been removed by taking "dating" off the table for the time being. I enjoy his company, he enjoys mine, and we are getting to know each other. I'm happy with that.

I had a busy weekend! Friday night I drank too much wine again. But I enjoyed the company. Saturday morning I felt like crap but had to get up and go to a funeral. A prof I met a couple of times but didn't really know all that well died in a car accident. It was a catholic funeral so it was a little bit painful and not just because of the hang over. After that I sort of slugged around the house... I don't really remember what I did actually. I watched half of a football game and pretended to study and then went home for a bbq with my roommate and his friends. After that I made myself scarce since they were having a "think tank" in the living room. As far as I can tell it's an intellectual circle jerk where they think deep thoughts and feel good about how brilliant they are. From what I overheard it was mostly about masturbation, farting, and drinking. All I wanted was to go to sleep but couldn't since my room is next to the living room and they were being pretty loud until at least 2:00. Sunday I got my butt out of bed after not nearly enough sleep and went to church. I love my pastor, btw. He gave a great sermon about the similarities between all religions. After that I had a couple of meetings then a GLSEN planning meeting. About 20 people showed up! I was a little overwhelmed. A lot were just there to support me, but that's wonderful. I felt really thankful when 1/3 of the people in the room said they were there for me. I have amazing friends. I'm so excited about starting a GLSEN chapter!!! After that I went home for a nap and failed. The dogs were being insane and a certain Czech seemed to be running laps around the house with a plastic bag. (Or at least that's what it sounded like.) I eventually gave up and went to a yoga class. My arms hurt! It was good to get some exercise. I need to keep going. Then I finally got to bed early!

Today is Monday. I don't have much going on today. Just trying to get my exhibit finished and put up, which is proving to be a lot like herding cats... sheesh...

Peace out y'all! ;-)

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