Thursday, July 16, 2009

Cops and Czechs and Bears, Oh My!

This is at least the third time I’ve attempted to write this blog so I’m just going to chug my coffee and blast it out!

Living with the Czech has been pretty good so far. I really like simply not being alone all the time. Sure, maybe that’s lame… but whatever. I work in an isolated vault at work all day and like to go home to find a friendly face. Plus living with him is sort of forcing me to be a better person. I can’t do any of the embarrassing things I would do by myself like eat an entire bag of chips or consume nothing but mac and cheese for 3 days or watch 5 hours of Sex and the City reruns. We’re eating pretty healthy balanced meals, he silently guilted me into buying a bike, (he didn’t actually say anything, I was just feeling like a fat lazy American for driving to work when I could just as easily walk or ride a bike) and I’m getting up on time for work and haven’t really been late weeks. Plus it’s just fun living there! He decided to buy a grill last weekend. We both went to the store to look at them and he had been debating for some time between gas and charcoal. I could tell he wanted a charcoal grill but almost everyone told him gas was the way to go. After a little looking around he settled on a nice round charcoal grill and we took it home. He assembled the grill in the back yard while I mixed up some yum-tastic hamburger meat. (I make good burgers.) I stashed the burgers in the fridge and went out to help him start the coal. I read the instructions on the coal chimney thing to him and we seemed to be in business. It said 15-20 minutes… an hour later the coals were barely warm and there was a wisp of smoke coming off and nothing else. Three hours and three beers later we were stuffing dry pine cones under the chimney and toasting marshmallows on the resulting flames. Another hour and probably another beer later we had the burgers cooked (and they were amazing!) and we were marveling that we actually ate over a pound and a half of beef between the two of us. Then to top it all off we made smores. I’m not sure he had ever had a smore. (This was the big exception to that previous healthy eating statement!)

Then Sunday we met up with some buddies and went to Beer Bust at this leather/ bear bar in Denver. It wasn’t really my scene but I’m always happy to get out of town and I’m pretty good at fitting in at clubs and having fun no matter what. Our cop friend drove us and it was the Czech’s first time to a gay club in Denver so we came up with some rules and safety nets. We only had to text “code 11” to the rest of the group and where in the club we were and someone would come rescue us. I wasn’t worried about it but it made everyone else feel better. I’m the baby of the group and they all kind of think of me as their little brother. It’s kind of annoying but at the same time it’s sweet to have three guys looking out for you. It was $8 for a bottomless cup of beer. You just buy the cup and then people come around with pitchers and keep it full for you. Dangerous! After a few hours we were pretty much drunk so our cop friend rounded us up and took us to dinner. If you’re drunk you will do anything a cop tells you to do even if he’s not in uniform and he’s your friend! It was a fun trip!

I think I surprised my friends by being fairly outgoing and social. I met two other friends there, met new people, chatted, circulated, and had a great time. One friend I actually met there for the first time. We had been chatting for months and we both knew we would be good friends no matter what but it technically was the first time we had hung out in person. Sometimes you just meet someone and in a second you know you will be great friends. The other friend I met there was the same guy I spent the 4th with. It wasn’t a date and I’m thinking the 4th wasn’t either. It was nice to see him and we had fun together and then he left somewhat abruptly. I’m still not sure why. He’s great but I just don’t know him very well yet and I’m still afraid of a long distance relationship (or it’s more likely that I’m just afraid of a relationship and I use the long distance thing as an excuse). I’m not going to stress about it though. We’ll continue to see each other occasionally and see what happens. For what it's worth all my friends overwhelmingly liked him.

Moving out of my old apartment was probably the best decision I’ve made in years. I was stagnating there. Even though 90% of my stuff is in storage and I’m semi-homeless, I’m happier than I can remember being in quite some time. I was in my old apartment a few days after moving out to pick up my security deposit and I expected to have some sort of nostalgic feelings but I felt nothing. It was just a place that I kept my stuff for a while. Actually, I had just about the same amount of attachment that I would to a concrete storage unit. Somehow being disconnected from that place is encouraging me to move forward once again. I’m working on FINALLY finishing my stupid MA and I’m serious about finding a job in Denver now. I know I’ve said those things before, like 10,000 times… and I always meant it but I just couldn’t bring myself to do anything about it. Now I feel like I’m able and that’s a good feeling.

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