Friday, July 24, 2009

Random Friday Evening Musings

This has to be right up there on the list of generally awesome things:

Incidentally, I want my wedding to be choreographed by Mia Michaels. If you don't know who that is then you don't get to be in my wedding. (Don't worry, I'm at least a few years away so you have time to google her.) ;-)

I've been a sick puppy lately. I'm reasonably sure it's a new strain of swine flu passed on through trees. I'm creatively calling it "tree flu." In reality it was probably just a bad cold. I missed work for at least half the week so I stayed home, napped, ate soup and drank tea that I couldn't taste, and watched episodes of Torchwood on my laptop. Oh, and if you don't know Torchwood then you don't get to be in my wedding either. ;-) I'm feeling better now and have been able to randomly smell and taste things throughout the day so I hope to have all of my senses returned to me by tomorrow. (Or at least whatever sense I had before getting the plague.)

In other news: I bought a bike. My roommate put it together for me last night. I would say that he helped me but it would probably be a stretch to say that I even helped him. I'm reasonably handy but apparently "bike assembly" is not going on my list of manly things I'm able to do. I was going to name my bike Stella. I'm not sure why... but now I've decided my bike is a boy so it's name isn't Stella. Again, not sure why I think my bike is a boy.

Um... I guess that's all I can think of right now. I'm probably forgetting something but that's ok. I'm including some more videos. The first is a song/ musician I just decided that I like. The second is part of why I love Torchwood. Enjoy!

Incidentally, the actor that plays Captain Jack Harkness is actually gay. It makes me happy to see gay characters on TV that aren't stereotypes and even happier to see them being played by gay actors!

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