Monday, February 28, 2011

Breate in... breathe out... rinse and repeat...

Ok, so I'm so stressed today that I actually feel a little sick. I have a TON to get done, so naturally I'm wasting my time writing a blog. But writing helps me to sort things out and feel less insane, so... there you have it!

My 1 credit historic preservation class continues to be a huge pain in the ass and take more time than my other 4 credits combined. Just a month to go and it's over though...
My 3 credit readings class isn't actually so bad. I'm kind of enjoying it even though it is a lot of reading. (Imagine that?) I'm barely holding on by the skin of my teeth but I am keeping up and doing well, which is good since this class is VITAL to my graduation.
My 1 credit internship... well, I haven't actually even started this work yet. Once I get going I can blast it out in a productive afternoon, I hope.

I'm getting quite a bit done but I feel like I have a lot more on my plate than normal. I'm "helping" with an exhibit that will go up this summer but so far I'm not even sure what the exhibit is about or what my role is. I'm co curating it, but so far it's someone else's baby but it's still quite a bit of work.

Oh Utah... sometimes he is so bat shit crazy that I don't know what to do with him. Sometimes he is so sweet that I can't imagine what I did to deserve him. We fought a lot yesterday. For the life of me, I couldn't tell you what we were fighting about but it wasn't fun. We did resolve everything, I think. Sometimes we are just a little too similar. He's basically me circa 2006/2007. He does so many of the same things I did in my last serious relationship except now I'm on the recieving end. All in all, he's wonderful but I wish he would just calm down and not rush things.

Possible New Job
I applied for a job in Arizona at the suggestion of my supervisor a couple months ago. I had a phone interview about a month ago. They contacted my references two weeks ago. Last Friday, they called to set up an on site interview. I'm so excited but I'm also sooo scared. This job sound perfect for me, it pays well, the people seem really nice, I loved this library when I was a student there... buuuuttt... It's scary to pack up your life and move somewhere. It's especiallys cary to move to somewhere you spent the most miserable year of your life, even if that had nothing to do with the area. And it's even scarier to move to ARIZONA! ;-) My current job is pretty much never going to pay more and it is exceptionally unlikely that I'll move up the ladder. Something had to change eventually, why not this? I've been "leaving" for years and now that it's looking like a possibility, I'm scared. Plus there is Utah. He is NOT ok with the idea of me moving to Arizona. But to be fair this job application process has been going on almost as long as I've known him and it's not like I was really itching to move to Mormon-ville. (Is that the next Zynga game?!) I guess as far as this relationship goes... something was bound to give. One or both of us has to move. Why can't this be the reason? Ultimately, he's going to have to get on board with this or not. There isn't really a middle ground.

Thoughts on Leaving
It's funny thinking that I might not be here in June. I've sort of felt myself letting go of certain things and it's liberating and scary at the same time. I love the church I belong to and it's sad to think I might not be here to see how the congregation grows and changes. It's nice to think I might not have to deal with another winter in Siberia but Flagstaff is just as snowy and unpredictable, just not quite as cold and windy. Then there are friends and relationships I've build up over the years... I will miss people so much... but now I'm about to make myself cry and I've not even been given a job offer. Sheesh...

So anyway... I guess this all seems managable again. I just need to use my time wisely, not think too much, and just take things one step at a time.

To let loose,
To let free,
To breathe in,
To breathe out,
Peace out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really hope you get the job, Keith. It would be so amazing. Moving is scary but I think it's worth it. I think your analogy for Utah last post was poignant. You need to go for a real career, you've been stifled far too long. Utah is a wonderful addition to you life but if Utah can't realize that it's not beneficial for him to move for your actual career as opposed to you moving for his meh job then, well, things might just not work out. But you're fantastic at making it work on your own.