Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Still in the Running

I found out this morning that my references are being contacted this week for the job I interviewed for a few weeks ago. I assumed I was out of the running since I hadn't heard anything for several weeks and they indicated that they would be moving very quickly. I forgot that in the academic world "very quickly" means "not quite at a glacial speed." I'm not sure how I feel about this. I was almost relieved to think I was no longer being considered. It pays so much more and is a really cool job. The people that interviewed me seemed cool too. But... I have a cool job and work with cool people now so it would essentially be the money. Is it worth moving that far for (a lot) more money?

Then there is the "Utah" factor. He's made it very clear that he's not happy about this situation. It's only a little over an hour further but it's already an insanely long drive. To me "long distance is long distance" no matter what. But he seems to have some unspoken idea that I will move to be with him or "somehow" "something" is going to happen and we will end up in the same place. I think he would view my accepting this job (which hasn't been offered yet) as me choosing another destination over him. I don't see it that way as there is no offer for me in Utah and if it's so incredibly important that we be together he could consider moving for me if I'm making significantly more money than either of us currently is. I don't know... I'm just thinking out loud (in a blog). I hate to say it... but this job in Arizona is really really unique and desirable as Utah's job is incredibly common. It would be like a specialized civil rights lawyer giving up his job to be with his partner that works at Target. It just doesn't make sense. Oh well. Time will tell.

In other news... I turn 30 on Saturday. I'm not really worried about it. It's not like I will magically turn ancient over night. I'll still be immature and angst ridden when I'm 50! ;-) I'm having a big party and Utah is supposed to drive here to see me. He was supposed to leave tomorrow (Wednesday) and leave early on Sunday morning but he texted this morning saying he's broke until he gets paid on Friday so he might have to wait until then to come. This seems weird to me since he just has to pay for gas and he has a super efficient car that can go like 800 miles on $40. I have a hard time believing he can't scrape up $20 to get here since I will gladly keep him fed on Wednesday and Thursday. Maybe this is one of those weird "surprise" things. Seems odd.

In other other news... I got an iPhone yesterday. I love it! LOVE! <3 <3 <3 I'm not sure I'm important enough to justify needing to know if I got an email while I'm sitting on the toilet or watch a youtube video while waiting for a meeting... but it's nice to have the option. ;-)

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