Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Now I'm Like All Wise 'n Shit

Being 30 makes me feel like I should be a "grown up" now. I had no idea that my parents (and really all adults I ever met in my life) were just faking it all along. I don't feel any older or wiser. I guess that's half good at least. ;-)

I had a great birthday party this weekend. Over 30 people showed up at some point. Utah was here and pampered me all weekend. I'm not sure I could have asked for anything more on my 30th birthday!

Things are still complicated with Utah though. I feel almost guilty that I'm not as in love with him as he obviously is with me. I do love him but I guess I'm just a little more hesitant. We've only known each other since October. It is kind of comforting but also terrifying to think that he could be "the one." I guess it's best to just go with it and see what happens. I am happy and that's all that matters in the end.

Still no word from Arizona about the job. It's odd that they would be going to so much trouble behind the scenes but not actually contact me for almost a month. Oh well... all in time.

My dad seems to be in good spirits in spite of everything. He's back at Mayo's and might lose a kidney this week but the doctors were pretty convinced he would be fine with just one. It will be good to just have some sort of ending to this health scare. If he does have a kidney removed I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to go home this summer/spring for a couple of weeks and boot camp my parents. My dad has a horrible diet and my mom doesn't do anything to discourage him. If I'm going to adopt an Asian baby my dad damn well better be around to spoil it! (That's still totally unconfirmed... but I would like to adopt some day.)

So that's my update. I'm still crazy busy with classes but significantly less stressed than I was last week.

To let loose.
To let free.
To breathe in.
To breathe out.
Peace out.

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