Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Little Update-y

I seem to have recovered from the cold/ plague that I had all last week. I'm still a little stuffy but not bad. This week has been oddly productive. I seem to have found the magical time that I'm most productive and started to make use of it. It seems if I leave work at 3:30 or 4:00 and go to the library I can work nonstop until I get hungry at about 7:00ish. Too bad I'm going to be busy with the Shepard Symposium/ GSA Summit Thursday and Friday night and unable to take advantage of my magical productivity time! But tonight, oh yes... tonight I will be doing SOOO much homework!

Still no word from Arizona. It should be the end of this week or sometime next week before I hear anything at all. I'm still totally unsure if they are going to make an offer and I'm even less sure if I would accept the offer. Ultimately, I would accept the offer because it pays more... not because I would love the job significanly more than my current job or the town more than where I currently live. It's hard to put a price on what it is worth to have to move away from everyone I know. But... I also don't really want to stay where I'm at indefinatly and jobs like this don't come along often. Tricky.

Things are still going well with Utah. I miss him terribly, which surprises me for some reason. I don't know why that should surprise me. I guess it's the amount that I miss him that surprises me, not the fact that I miss him at all. He's going to come to visit in a couple weeks and I think I'll go to Salt Lake City again toward the end of the month. I really wish we could figure out a way to be closer.

Busy week with finishing up homework and projects. Lots of stuff going on this weekend. Should be fun and exciting!

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